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Turkey’s Investigations on Sarı Ashug: The Journal “Azerbaijan Yurd Bilgisi”
The history of investigation of Azerbaijan folk literature, folklore is very rich. It is possible to include here the investigations carried out not only in Azerbaijan, but also in Turkey. Sari Ashug was one of the masters whose literary activity was addressed in Turkey. There are investigations in Turkey by A.Jafaroglu, A.Barmanbay, M.Fahrettin about Sari Ashug who lived in the 17th century. In the report it is said about the article “From Azerbaijan Ashugs - Ashug Nabi” published in the journal “Azerbaijan Yurd Bilgisi” which has its own place in Azerbaijan migration folklore-study.

Sari Ashug, Azerbaijan Yurd Bilgisi, bayati (quatrain), Mirzade Mustafa Fahrettin.

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